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Autopilot System Maintenance

The information in this page does not apply to any particular autopilot system, but gives general information that relates to all autopilot systems. Maintenance of an autopilot system consists of visual inspection, replacement of components, cleaning, lubrication, and an operational checkout of the system. Consult the manufacturer’s maintenance manual for all of these procedures.

With the autopilot disengaged, the flight controls should function smoothly. The resistance offered by the autopilot servos should not affect the control of the aircraft. The interconnecting mechanisms between the autopilot system and the flight control system should be correctly aligned and smooth in operation. When applicable, the operating cables should be checked for tension.

An operational check is important to assure that every circuit is functioning properly. An autopilot operational check should be performed on new installations, after replacement of an autopilot component, or whenever a malfunction in the autopilot is suspected.

After the aircraft’s main power switch has been turned on, allow the gyros to come up to speed and the amplifier to warm up before engaging the autopilot. Some systems are designed with safeguards that prevent premature autopilot engagement. While holding the control column in the normal flight position, engage the autopilot system using the switch on the autopilot controller.

After the system is engaged, perform the operational checks specified for the particular aircraft. In general, the checks are as follows:
  1. Rotate the turn knob to the left; the left rudder pedal should move forward, and the control column wheel should move to the left and slightly aft.
  2. Rotate the turn knob to the right; the right rudder pedal should move forward, and the control column wheel should move to the right and slightly aft. Return the turn knob to the center position; the flight controls should return to the level-flight position.
  3. Rotate the pitch-trim knob forward; the control column should move forward.
  4. Rotate the pitch-trim knob aft; the control column should move aft.
If the aircraft has a pitch-trim system installed, it should function to add down-trim as the control column moves forward and add up-trim as the column moves aft. Many pitch-trim systems have an automatic and a manual mode of operation. The above action occurs only in the automatic mode.

Check to see if it is possible to manually override or overpower the autopilot system in all control positions. Center all the controls when the operational checks have been completed.

Disengage the autopilot system and check for freedom of the control surfaces by moving the control columns and rudder pedals. Then, reengage the system and check the emergency disconnect release circuit. The autopilot should disengage each time the release button on the control yoke is actuated.

When performing maintenance and operational checks on a specific autopilot system, always follow the procedure recommended by the aircraft or equipment manufacturer.

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